Clemens Nathan Research Centre

 The Clemens Nathan Research Centre (CNRC), an organisation dedicated to the promotion of international human rights, is the research arm of the Consultative Council of Jewish Organisations, a human rights NGO with consultative status at the United Nations, founded in 1946 by the Nobel Prize Laureate René Cassin. Its constituent organisations are the Anglo-Jewish Association and the Alliance israélite universelle. It is named after Clemens Nathan who is also its first chairman. Alan Stephens  is director of research.


The activities of both organisations have included holding lectures and conferences, and sponsoring books on human rights.


Since its establishment in 2004, the CNRC has initiated a number of innovative programmes, including a long-term research project, in collaboration with the International Bar Association and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Lund University, Sweden, to formulate rules of conduct for human rights fact-finding missions. Since February 2005, the CNRC has organised five very successful conferences - in Lund, on Fact-Finding, and in London, on Religion and Human Rights (with the Commonwealth Institute, University of London), on Terrorism and Human Rights, on Foreign Policy and Human Rights, and on the Freedom of the Media and Human Rights, the last three having been held at the premises of the International Institute of Strategic Studies, Arundel House. Keynote speakers at the London conferences were Richard Harries, the Bishop of Oxford; Lord Guthrie, former Chief of the Defence Staff of the United Kingdom; Sir Jeremy Greenstock, former UK Ambassador to the United Nations, and Andrew Puddephat, Director of Global Partners and Associates. The Centre's forthcoming events include a conference on Health and Human Rights. 


All CNRC conferences generate edited publications, in book form, the first being, "Does God believe in Human Rights?" (Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden, 2007, ISBN 9004152547). 


The CNRC also organizes periodic René Cassin Memorial Lectures, recent lecturers having included Professor Bertrand Ramcharan, former acting UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (lecture held at Chatham House, London) and M. Robert Badinter, former Minister of Justice of France (lecture held at the Law Society, London).